The visualization of a Renaissance poem: ‘Orlando Furioso’ from the original editions to modern video art

Orlando Furioso by Ludovico Ariosto, the most celebrated poem of the Italian Renaissance, published in 1516 (and later in 1521 and 1532), very quickly became a best seller, the first great classic of modernity. An important part of this success was due to the fact that illustrations began to be produced for the poem almost immediately. We will see how the illustrated editions of the Orlando Furioso clearly attempted to influence its reception and the memory of the reader, while at the same time addressing the themes and narrative structure of the text. Finally I will show a brief DVD in which the images of an antique edition of the Furioso are re-elaborated and re-read through the techniques of video-art.

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28 Jan 2016

The Courtauld Institute of Art, Somerset House, Strand, London
